
Culture Of Permission

Last week, there was this interesting video conference talking about this fall's Medicine X Conference. Our pals @Doctor_V and @SeattleMamaDoc were on the google hangout talking about physicians and social media. They were also talking about their upcoming session at MedX. The hangout was moderated by our friend @afternoonnapper.

Why don't more physicians participate in social media? The obvious topics of (lack of) time and (the fear of) risk were mentioned. But, another topic that was mentioned was a "Culture of Permission" mentioned by @Doctor_V.

What is this culture of permission? I get this question all the time as well: "Hey Mike, who did you ask before you started utilizing social media?" Did I as my practice, my hospital, my malpractice attorney, or my wife? Actually, I did not. But, he's right in that there is this culture that exists that physicians must ask permission before doing something "risky" like use social media. 

People focus too much on the bad and potentially bad stuff that can happen with social media. Of course they are out there. However, there are positive aspects to social media as well - like patient education (meaning patient education with right information and not wrong information), establishing a positive online presence for physicians, and utilizing social media for advocacy.

Unfortunately, I will be unable to attend Medicine X this year. But, I will continue to monitor their brilliant marketing of this meeting, as I anticipate more of these google hangout sessions leading up to the fall event. Many say MedX is one of the best meetings of the year to attend. I would agree with that!