
Remembering The Snow Day

It’s so interesting, because this photo was taking this very week in 2019, otherwise known as Pre-Pandemic times. I’ve been looking at the forecast over the past couple of days, and some people are saying that for around here, we may expect 12 inches of snow or more.

Monday is a holiday for a lot of people out there (not me). But, when snow is forecast like this, it really makes me think back to “back in the day” when I was hoping, as a little kid, for that snow day. The kids don’t know this, but we didn’t have the “all call” or the internet or any of that technology. We had to wait, and wait, and wait, around the AM radio (yes, an AM radio) or maybe on television for the  snow day announcement. Remember that?

Then, when it happened, there was an enormous amount of joy that went through my kid body. I tried to think about what kind of snowman I would make, and those snow angel things. What did you do on those snow days back in the day?

As, things were so much simpler back then, at least things seemed simpler back then. Sometimes, I wish I could go back to those Snow Days as kids. Thanks for reading this, and I wish you a great day!