
Mike Sevilla Show Ep309

Live from Boston, I did a podcast this morning from the hotel room. I didn't think the bandwidth would hold up, but I'll leave that judgement up to you.  Check out the Mike Sevilla Radio Program Episode 309. At the beginning of the show, I share a local Boston story that has turned into a national story about a recent magazine cover.

If you haven't already, I encourage you to register for the Free webinar tonight with Primary Care Progress in which I will be interviewed about Social Media: My history in social media, the current healthcare social media landscape, and it's future. The webinar will be tonight, July 18, 2013 at 6pm Eastern Time. Even if you cannot join live, still register because you'll be sent a link after the event and have access to the archived webinar.

In addition to the above topic, I also talked about the Scope Of Practice Webinar attended by our friend Dr. Reid Blackwelder, AAFP President Elect. I play a couple of soundbites from yesterday's event on the podcast, with my analysis. Finally, I share some thoughts of my flight to Boston last night, especially in the background of the recent San Francisco airline crash.

You can listen to Episode 309 above in the player, or download the entire episode here and listen anytime. In addition, I invite you to follow me on Twitter, check out my YouTube site (with my TV interviews), and see my Linked-In page. Enjoy!